Is it recommended to use data and SwiftUI controls inside the NavigationStack or to use views as before ? I think views is easier to maintain or Im missing something ? cause I hear that the new way is to use data directly ?
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How can I customize the Back Button in Column 2 "Content" in SplitView, like changing its color, label, icon ? Also is it possible to keep it visible even when Column 1 is shown and make it work like toggling showing and hiding Column 1 ?
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when declaring variables or constants inside a Struct in SwiftUI projects is it by default private or internal ?
seems little confusing cause I see some using the private word explicitly sometimes.
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When creating a 3 columns Split View in SwiftUI the second view that resemble the mails list in Apple Mails App have a blue icon at top left corner where when tapped shows the column of Mail boxes such as Inbox, Sent etc.
This icon by default when creating the Split View disappears after tapping, it shows the third column and disappear , I would like it to stay so I can show and collapse the first column sam as Apple Mail App. how to do that ? its called back also how to rename it and add icon to it ?
I see a # symbol allot in swift documentation, as in definition below what it means ?
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import <#module#>
NavigationStack is a struct so to initialize it we need to use var or let so how come we use it without this keywords ?
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Is there math functions in Swift built in, such as Sin, Cos, Log etc ?
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In Xcode 15 is command click on an item in the preview canvas feature removed ? it doesn't work for me ?
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Im trying to run my Xcode App on physical iPad but getting the attached screen message, this happened recently before few months I didn't get it. My iPad is 9.7" Pro with iPadOS 15.6. Mac is NBP 2015 with macOS 11.5.1 and Xcode Version 13.2.1. is there a fix ?
my MacBook Pro stopped updating at Big Sur although it’s not old it’s 2015. So to use the new SwiftUI features isn’t enough to upgrade to Xcode 14 or it won’t install on my machine ?
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Theres colors to use in SwiftUI when developing iOS App such as first line, but when I try to use the other system color placeholderText I get the error "Type Color? has no member placeholderText" why ?
Text("Hello, World!").foregroundColor(.quaternaryLabel)
SwiftUI updates such as Charts are available to use now or till the new OS launches in coming fall ?
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what kit I should use to install a font system wide in iOS & iPadOS ! Anybody have an idea how ? Adobe Creative App have such feature.
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suppose I have 2 buttons button1 and button2 and when button2 is tapped I want to change button1 colors and it’s text, how to do that ? How to reference to button1 and change its modifiers ?
now also suppose button one was a text such as Text(“Some Text”), how to change text shown
between brackets when button2 is tapped ?
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so based on Apple UIG I should use degrees of transparency to get degrees of gray ? So to apply that on a label for example or text I make them black color then apply transparency on the control element it self ?
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